The boss level year.

So it’s the 2021 Festival of the Scorpio. After a fantastic morning at the beach, I sat down to reflect to my camera for about 8 minutes. And then I watched The Princess Bride. Because that’s what birthdays are all about. It was a good day!

Spring has sprung…

So I’m still looking for a job. Yeah. I’ve lost count how many job applications I’ve sent out and how much I hate writing cover letters. Here’s hoping something happens soon. But c’est la vie, no? Since my last post, there has been much happening. Doctor Who on the big screen. Peter Capaldi is awesome….

“So the pound has dropped and the children are creating…”

There are two people in the world that I will actually listen to before making any decisions. This doesn’t mean I will follow their recommendations, but I will listen. Then, there is an honoured second level: these are people I usually just drag around on my madcap plans. Or tell them about what I may…

Beginnings and endings

It is that time of the year where I slowly become more grinchified from carols and other stuffs. But never you mind, in 2 weeks time I will be home in the sun with my beloved puppy old dame, avoiding bees in the grass and talking philosophy and sport with my parents. I find myself…

Another one bites the dust

Yes, dear readers, I’ve been silent for a while, not for the lack of things to write about, but because of things being so busy. Work is, despite the insanity, awesome. I’m enjoying having my very own library to play with, fix, and make better. And I’m going to enjoy it while I can. I…

The button conundrum

Every now and then, you get somebody request you knit something – a commission. Once in a while, you get a request that has you in stunned disbelief. I had one of those in January. It was requester more than the request that had me checking to see if hell had actually frozen over, or…

“They started out, beneath the knowledge tree”*

So, after 6 months of waiting, the weekend finally arrived. Shelley and her mum flew down, and we went to the WOW Awards. It was a spectacular Spectacular. An amazingly slick and entertaining production. And when we got the NZ ballet performing to the NZ Opera, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. It…