NDF: Doing good sh*t, and other things I learnt.

There are two conferences that I aspire to speak at/participate in: NDF and Webstock. I put in an abstract with a wish and a prayer for NDF earlier this year, and miracle of miracles, I was invited to speak. Looking at the calibre of the others I was presenting alongside, I am still humbled at…

Of mindfulness and bookshelves

Autumn has finally arrived. The scarves and shawls are out. I’ve several cowls in my rav queue, and I’ve already worn my leather gloves. I also have a pair of lovely purple-with-red-button cuffs from across the ditch from my fairy godmother and my god-puppy, which are getting some mileage at the moment, and will get…

Of books to read and choices to make…

There’s nothing like curling up in your lovely futon, listening to one of your favourite albums (The Crane Wife, fyi – although I’m dipping into all the albums at the moment. This one is just lovely), and soldiering on through the long final rounds of the second blanket. The second always takes longer than the…

The things she could do…

Finished one job. Back in the library on Wednesday. Breathing a huge sigh of relief. It’s a massive responsibility. But I will have accomplished something I have aspired to, and damnit, I made it! A library manager before I turned 30. Who would have believed that? (Well there were a couple of tutors at uni…

The countdown has begun…

… this time next week, I’ll be somewhere between Sydney and the ‘Gong, thawing out of after watching the Brumbies play the ‘Tahs, and catching up with DrK, whom I haven’t seen in close on 2 years now, and I’m very excited to be spending time with. She’s been an absolute rock, even with the…

You can take the girl out of academia…

… but apparently you can’t take academia out of the girl. So after a thoroughly entertaining discussion at lunch about Scandinavian metal (and death metal), I had the sudden urge to re-read the Völuspá, (because I really enjoy Nordic apocryphal poetry). Seeing as all my ON and OE stuff is in the Bay, I had…