baby did a bad, bad thing… and i feel like crying.

I did, actually, do a bad, bad, thing. I had a look at the academic (and library and museum) jobs available out there at the moment. Yeah, it looks like I’m going to be all qualified up and have nowhere to go. (Hell, I am already all qualified up, and even if I walked away from the PhD tomorrow, I would still have nowhere to go). Depressing, isn’t it?

This makes me feel very inadequate. (Ah, beginning to notice the up-and-down-cycle of the PhD mind now). It also make me feel quite worthless and not a little obsolete. If only I had done Bioinformatics! (Actually, no). I’m doing this for love, not money and that’s got to count for something, right?

I’ll think about paying the future bills tomorrow.

I say Bells today, and took her for through whirlwind of Morris & Sons, Clegs, Brother Baba Budan, and Lindt. There wasn’t much time other than to catch up on some gossip, and speed her on to her meeting. It was great to see the lovely Bells again.  Another much needed escape.

The chapter has one more section to go, then to add extra references (because references are good), and a quick proofing. This may be ready by Thursday after all. Probably not. I think this will be a Friday submission.

Also discovered that the IMAX at the museum is still playing Star Trek on the weekends. I’ve missed my Chris Pine- Zachary Quinto- Simon  Pegg fix. And it’s still 22 days  till the DVD release (not that I’m counting). I may have to drag the Magpie off to a mandatory escape movie escape. No is not an option.

The Valerie’s Mystery Scarf KAL has been caught up and I’m awaiting the next ingredient in the Magic Pill (It’s a sampler scarf based on the 11 ingredients in the Magic Pill used to revive Westley in The Princess Bride).

The one sock is halfway down the instep. Hopefully will have its mate on the needles by Saturday.  Will also try get another quick Christmas present done over the weekend too. The brain needs some resetting time before I hit the edits from chapter 1…

Okay, this has turned into a stream of consciousness post. I’ll leave it there. Still have 7 pages of typing to transcribe before bed. (Don’t even look at the time – it’s probably wrong).

Hopefully I’ll have something more enlightening to say next time.


  1. drkms says:

    its not you thats inadequate. its a society in which even higher education has become commercialised and the people who get all the money are the ones doing research on something to sell. thats fine, because they get to sell their soul as well. but you know this is part of the process, and the people around me assured me that it was work like ours that helped keep critical thinking alive. there are surprises around the corner i swear! and anyway, by the time you get those chapters done you wont care what job you get, youll just be glad its over. hang in there xx

  2. bells says:

    What Dr K said. Ditto, in as much as I understand the academic world.

    Thank you for hosting my morning yesterday. So great to see you! xo

  3. gidgetknits says:

    We all go through it – very very few make the hop from PhD straight into gainful employment. Okay, that’s not helping, is it? Just retain your belief that you deserve a position and it will come… oh no, now I’m sounding like someone who read ‘The Secret’…

  4. Just enjoy the ride and worry about the destination when you get there. Man, that sounds ‘secret-y’ too!

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